You Go I Go - Janice Vidal (You Go I Go - 衛蘭)
You go I go 自製出路
You go I go ji jai chut lo
全賴感覺 別信命數
Chuen laai gam gok bit sun ming so
You go I go 為愛驕傲
You go I go wai oi giu ngo
錯失過 就要上訴
Choh sat gwoh jau yiu seung so
Woon faat sik yeung ban mei chiu yuet ping daam
補補妝 沒規定時限
Bo bo jong moot kwai ding si haan
只為裝扮 不貪你一眼
Ji wai jong baan bat taam nei yat ngaan
Joh nei che seung ching bit hing yi ting jaam
敢出走 幸福就無限
Gam chut jau hang fuk jau mo haan
加大膽量 不想你眨眼
Ga daai daam leung bat seung nei jaap ngaan
I'm gonna be what I can be
誰亦可相擁 不想等到下次
Sui yik hoh seung yung bat seung dang do ha chi
I'm standing right here, so come set me free
Sing ying han taam sam ji yan jung yi
拖緊你 箍緊你 挨緊你 極放肆
Toh gan nei koo gan nei aai gan nei gik fong si
You go I go 為愛擁抱
You go I go wai oi yung po
傳遞想法 用你右腦
Chuen dai seng faat yung nei yau no
You go I go 做我嚮導
You go I go jo ngoh heung do
有心去 就會達到
Yau sam hui jau wooi daat do
Repeat *
Repeat **
I'm gonna be what I can be
甜蜜很簡單 一早給你位置
Tim mat han gaan daan yat jo kap nei wai ji
You make me believe this is all I need
Sui yau goon sat luen sat gei doh chi
傷一次 哭一次 這一次 沒悔意
Seung yat chi huk yat chi je yat chi moot fooi yi
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