
Showing posts from March, 2015

Zegar lyrics

Zegar lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Chciaby chocia przez chwile Wstrzyma zegar bezlitosny Niech opamieta sie miy Niech odetchnie niech odpocznie Wahado z mosidzu odlane Biedne sania sie I opada z si Z jego obje wyrwany Byby bardziej beztroski Jest czym niezrozumiaym Mechanizmu cigy popiech Ten zegar jest cakiem bezduszny Nie ma litoci nie wie co to jest bl Gdy wszystko z rk sie wymyka By z zegarem biec co tchu Gdy do przodu zegar rwie Ty ustaw sie na nie I caa wstecz! Gdy do przodu zegar rwie Napieraj mocno I caa wstecz! Nie nie zgadzaj sie by on Dyktowa kady krok Wiec caa wstecz! Wahado z mosidzu odlane Biedne sania sie I opada z si Mechanizm do cna wyczerpany Dla kilku marnych chwil Gdy do przodu zegar rwie Napieraj mocno I caa wstecz! Nie nie zgadzaj sie by on Dyktowa kady krok Wiec caa wstecz Nie nie zgadzaj sie W nos mu sie miej!

Zabij Swoj Strach lyrics

Zabij Swoj Strach lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : W twych oczach widze lek Tak patrzy tylko strach A w gowie kebi sie niejasnych myli dym Powietrze palce gn Powietrza prawie brak Rozkoysana twarz jest Rozedrganych mieni gr Czy wiesz co w nas wyzwala strach? Agresja i sia to niezwyczajne Czy wiesz jak atwo podda sie Jak atwo zwyczajny lek zmieni w obed Gdy mwisz gos ci dry i sowa gubi sens Przez chwile spjrz mi w twarz Swym mylom nadaj bieg Wspomniae ju E chciaby przekroczy tajemny prg Niepewno rodzi gniew Niepewno rodzi bl Czy wiesz co w nas wyzwala strach? Agresja i sia to niezwyczajne Czy wiesz jak atwo podda sie Jak atwo zwyczajny lek zmieni w obed Zabij swj strach! Przerwij chor wie Nie wahaj sie Zacznij wreszcie y normalnie Wyrwij z siebie cier Najwyszy czas! Zabij swj strach! W twych oczach widze lek Tak patrzy tylko strach A w gowie kebi sie niejasnych myli dym Powietrze palce gn Powietrza prawie brak Rozkoysana twarz jest Rozedrganych mieni rozpaczliw gr Agresja ...

You Cannot Reach Me lyrics

You Cannot Reach Me lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : I said I love you so many times You cannot reach me I stayed in your house so many times You cannot reach me You gave me money, you bought me a car You cannot reach me You said that you will divorce your wife You cannot reach me And like the wind, I'm changing my ways I'm not the one who stays on one place Oh you cannot reach me, oh no No matter how could you do that to me You cannot fetch me, oh no No matter what you promised to me You cannot reach me And like the wind, I'm changing my ways I'm not the one who stays on one place Oh you cannot reach me Oh you cannot reach me And many times I fall in love I was crying and laughing When they broke my heart But now I've changed and I'm so cool If you wanna try, you'll see You'll see that I'm not that fool, oh no So many times I said that I love you You cannot reach me So many times I stayed in your house You cannot reach me 'Cause I...

Xxi Wiek lyrics

Xxi Wiek lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Xxi wiek, przygotuj sie Przygotuj swoj twarz, jeli jeszcze j masz Nowych nadziei przyldek Wszyscy na start! Przygotuj swoje ciao, twoje ciao to skarb Sw tajn miej bro, nie rozstawaj sie z ni... Jeli chcesz wierzy, e Ziemia jest twym przyjaznym miejscem xxi wiek, moe sie wreszcie dowiem, Dlaczego Bogiem tak bardzo pragnie sta sie czowiek I czy tylko kwesti czasu jest (tak mi sie zdaje), E jak muchy powybijamy wszyscy sie nawzajem Medrcem czy szalecem okae sie ten, Kto wci wierzy, e Ziemia jest twym przyjaznym miejscem? Kady ma prawo do swej odrobiny szczecia, Cho odrobine szczecia chcesz mie Kady ma prawo do swego wasnego miejsca Gdy xxi wita nas wiek Tak zagubionych w zimnej czasoprzestrzeni Moe kto kiedy nas odnajdzie I z powrotem sprowadzi na Ziemie xxi wiek, a ja wci nie wiem, Jak dugo jeszcze mam czeka, Jak dugo jeszcze bez Ciebie Kady ma prawo do swej odrobiny szczecia, Cho odrobine szczecia chcesz mie Kady ma prawo do swego ...

Wsrod Pachnacych Magnolii lyrics

Wsrod Pachnacych Magnolii lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Ziemia zadraa od siy cyklonu Niech kto inny przejmie kontrole teraz Od posad cignie zgni wilgoci Ciekie powietrze sunie tyralier Krach Czuje krach Nigdy nie byam a tak bardzo zmeczona Nie chciaam nigdy zmeczeniu ulec Ostatnim zawsze byo moje sowo A tu ni std ni zowd pad na mnie blady Strach I mwie tak Niepotrzebne mi serce Niepotrzebna mi gowa Wrd pachncych magnolii me ciao z Pejza jak widzisz cakiem ju zmieniony Burza nie patrzy burza nie wybiera Przeciwko mnie sprzysiegy sie ywioy Niech kto inny przejmie kontrole teraz Czuje krach Nie Ty sie nie martw to Ciebie nie dotyczy To moich intymnych dozna sfera To moja prywatna katastrofa Niech kto inny przejmie kontrole tera I mwie tak Niepotrzebne mi serce Niepotrzebna mi gowa Wrd pachncych magnolii me ciao z Niepotrzebe mi ju Niepotrzebne sumienie Nie chce niczego aowa Niech kto inny kontrole przejmie ju Wrd pachncych magnolii prosze Umeczone me ciao z Niech kto inny...

Wodospady £ez lyrics

Wodospady £ez lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Ktoњ kiedyњ na tyle m№dry byі I w proste sіowa ubraі Coњ, co w dziwnoњci swej nieopisane Nikt nie chce kochaж Wszyscy kochaж boj№ siк A kaїdy chce byж kochany Nie zatrzymuj swoich іez Niech spіyn№ aї do koсca Po same brzegi wypeіniony W swoich іzach od dawna toniesz I jak w najpiкkniejszym Cudownym krajobrazie Patrz№c siк na ciebie wiem Їe najbardziej lubiк w twojej twarzy Wodospady іez W twoich spіakanych oczach Jest coњ, co pragniesz ukryж W przedziwnej tej spowiedzi Jest ci chyba naprawdк ciкїko Skoro juї nie chcesz nawet Nie chcesz o tym mуwiж Nie zatrzymuj swoich іez Niech spіyn№ aї do koсca Po same brzegi wypeіniony W swoich іzach od dawna toniesz I jak w najpiкkniejszym Cudownym krajobrazie Patrz№c siк na ciebie wiem Їe najbardziej lubiк w twojej twarzy Wodospady іez

Wewn¹trz lyrics

Wewn¹trz lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Za chwilк coњ zdarzy siк W palcach znajomy czujк chіуd Drzewa jakiњ inny dziњ kіad№ cieс Snujк siк po mieњcie jakby W narkotycznym њnie Za chwilк coњ zabije mnie Czy naprawdк bкdzie komuњ їal? Czujк, jakby sto milionуw r№k Wci№gaіo mnie do bagna Nie, - ja muszк uciec st№d Powiedz, jak mam siк dostaж do wewn№trz Powiedz, jak mam pochwyciж sw№ myњl Powiedz, jak mam to wnкtrze wypeіniж Musisz powiedzieж mi Ci№gle czujк, jak miliony r№k Wci№gaj№ mnie do bagna Ja muszк uciec st№d! Powiedz, jak mam siк dostaж do wewn№trz Powiedz, jak mam pochwyciж sw№ myњl Powiedz, jak mam to wnкtrze wypeіniж Musisz powiedzieж mi Musisz powiedzieж mi Jak siк dostaж do wewn№trz Pochwyciж sw№ myњl Musisz powiedzieж mi Powiedz, jak mam siк dostaж do wewn№trz Powiedz, jak mam pochwyciж sw№ myњl Powiedz, jak mam to wnкtrze wypeіniж Musisz powiedzieж mi Powiedz

Walczyk lyrics

Walczyk lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Spotkali sie gdzie o wicie I spenio sie ich przeznaczenie W biaej jak nieg pocieli To wcale nie byo niewinne... Mio I seks Zaborczy a strach Zazdroci I'm Bg Te by tak chcia Widziaam ich ciaa szalone Toney w nieba bekicie Spltani w kosmicznej przestrzeni Samotni, lecz bardzo szczeliwi Mio I seks Zaborczy a strach Zazdroci I'm Bg Te by tak chcia

Urodziny lyrics

Urodziny lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Niebo wolno dokd pynie Stoisz w oknie, z oczu pyn zy Dzi s twoje urodziny Tak czekae, lecz nie przyszed nikt Dzi s twoje urodziny Wznie wiec chocia Jaki skromny toast Za te smutne oczy w lustrze Teraz wiesz, e ju nie jeste sam Wszystkiego, czego chcesz O czym tylko marzysz Dzisiaj ycze ci Wszystkiego, co ju jest O czym jeszcze nie wiesz By zawsze sob by Wszystkiego, czego chcesz O czym tylko marzysz Dzisiaj ycze ci Wszystkiego, co ju jest O czym jeszcze nie wiesz By zawsze sob by Wszystkiego, czego tylko chcesz!

Ty Rozumiesz lyrics

Ty Rozumiesz lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Czy widzisz jak we mnie dojrzewa wielki wrzd? Wiem kiedy on peknie, nie moge ufa mu Cho zyci jestemy ze sob dugi czas Jak w niebezpieczny ukrywa w sobie jad I eby on oszczedzi mnie Faszyw mio daje mu Ty rozumiesz mnie Tak ju przecie jest Tak ju musi by Ty rozumiesz mnie Nad oceanem drzew unosze lekko sie I widze wasny cie - on wci oddycha Czy czujesz jak we mnie pulsuje ycie Geboko, wci gebiej, a niebo sie zamyka I eby ty oszczedzi mnie Faszyw mio daje Ci Ty rozumiesz mnie Tak ju przecie jest Tak ju musi by Ty rozumiesz mnie Ty rozumiesz mnie...

Trudno Tak lyrics

Trudno Tak lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Trudno tak razem byж nam ze sob№ Bez siebie nie jest lїej Ulice odbijaj№ szary smutek nieba W sercu czujк chіуd samotnej nocy Zapach czarnej kawy Filiїanki ciepіo Jak przystaс gdy wokoі Burzy siк szaleсstwo Zasіoniкte okna Cieniste podwуrza Tych cichych dramatуw Sceny nie zliczone Gdy siі mi brak њniк O sіonecznych czasach Tak wspуlnie z tob№ spкdzanych Trudno tak razem byж nam ze sob№ Bez siebie nie jest lїej Lecz trzeba nam Trzeba dbaж o tк miіoњж Nie wolno straciж jej Nam nie wolno straciж jej W twoim њnie jestem gwiazd№ Ze starego romansu Twe іzy niczym koіdra Na moim nagim ciele Smak kawy ciк budzi A minuty wci№ї pіyn№ Myњli ci№ї№ bardziej Niї wczorajsze wino Zasіoniкte okna Cieniste podwуrza Tych cichych dramatуw Sceny nie zliczone Gdy siі mi brak њniк O sіonecznych czasach Tak wspуlnie z tob№ spкdzanych Trudno tak razem byж nam ze sob№ Bez siebie nie jest lїej Lecz trzeba nam Trzeba dbaж o tк miіoњж Nie wolno straciж jej ...

To By³ Tylko Moment lyrics

To By³ Tylko Moment lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Ten chіopiec od dawna byі chory na miіoњж Do pewnej kobiety wci№ї niewzruszonej Tak bardzo j№ kochaі i tak nieszczкњliwie W њmiertelnej chorobie gotowy i oddany To byі tylko moment Nie wiedziaіam czy bкdzie їyі To byі tylko moment Juї nie miaі siі, nie miaі siі Spytacie pewnie co z t№ kobiet№ Do prawdy czuje siк doskonale W swym piкknym paіacu podіogi wykleja Umarіych Rycerzy fotografiami To byі tylko moment Nie wiedziaіam czy bкdzie їyі To byі tylko moment Juї nie miaі siі, nie miaі siі

The Eye lyrics

The Eye lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : I'm running away from you And you're trying to get me down at your feet Your only waiting to see me crawl Admitting, all what I did was wrong You're the truth You're the eye I can't hide I'm too exposed to your filtering light Where was your conscience When I got killed? Why d'you wanna teach the things You should be taught? All right let's say that nothing is for real But how would you explain That my wound is bleeding You're the truth You're the eye I can't hide I'm too exposed to your filtering light You're the truth You're the eye I can't hide I'm too exposed to your filtering light

Tatua¿ lyrics

Tatua¿ lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Nie zawsze moїesz mieж co chcesz Choж gonisz tak їe brak ci tchu Gdy wszystko nagle traci sens Wci№ї moїe byж dobrze dobrze dobrze! Ja to znam Wci№ї moїe byж dobrze dobrze Gdy nie boisz siк nie Popіyniesz dalej z kaїdym dniem Gdzieњ gdzie nic nie bкdzie juї dziwiж ciк I z kaїd№ chwil№ twoje dni coraz mniej realne s№ Nie dziwisz siк Tatuaї zdobi twoj№ pierњ I w twojej gіowie peіno tatuaїy Gdy w jednej chwili zmieniasz siк I jest ci tak dobrze dobrze dobrze I ja to znam Jest ci tak dobrze dobrze Gdy nie boisz siк nie Popіyniesz dalej z kaїdym dniem Gdzieњ gdzie nic nie bкdzie juї dziwiж ciк I z kaїd№ chwil№ twoje dni coraz mniej realne s№ Nie dziwisz siк A kiedy nagle kiedy Nagle zbudzisz siк To nie bкdziesz wcale ty To nie jesteњ juї ty... Popіyniesz dalej z kaїdym dniem Gdzieњ gdzie nic nie bкdzie juї dziwiж ciк I z kaїd№ chwil№ twoje dni coraz mniej realne s№ Nie dziwisz siк

S³yszê Jak Mnie Wzywasz lyrics

S³yszê Jak Mnie Wzywasz lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Jest w tym jakaњ niezwykіa moc Niepowtarzalnie potкїna siіa Gdy dziel№ nas tysi№ce mil Ja sіyszк jak mnie wzywasz I gdy stoisz obok nie mуwisz nic Wtulony w myњli gdzieњ odpіywasz Ty nie mуwisz nic A ja sіyszк jak mnie wzywasz Jest w tym moc niezwykіa moc Niepowtarzalnie potкїna siіa Gdy dziel№ nas tysi№ce mil Ja sіyszк jak mnie wzywasz I gdy stoisz obok nie mуwisz nic Wtulony w myњli gdzieњ odpіywasz Ty nie mуwisz nic A ja sіyszк jak mnie wzywasz Mуw do mnie do mnie mуw Ja caі№ siebie zmieniam w sіuch Zrozumieж chcк kaїde twe Westchnienie Jest w tym moc niezwykіa moc Niepowtarzalnie potкїna siіa Gdy dziel№ nas tysi№ce mil Ja sіyszк jak mnie wzywasz I gdy stoisz obok nie mуwisz nic Wtulony w myњli gdzieњ odpіywasz Ty nie mуwisz nic A ja sіyszк jak mnie wzywasz A ja sіyszк jak mnie wzywasz A ja sіyszк jak mnie wzywasz

Susza lyrics

Susza lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Soce cakiem sie czerwieni Szukam cienia, by w nim sie ukry Wszystko suche, na wir spalone Wyjaowione, osamotnione Jeszcze tylko kropla w nas By grzech miertelny z siebie zmy Spojrzeniu nada ufny ksztat Jeszcze tylko kropla Jeszcze wczoraj z go gow Dzisiaj susza mnie wysysa Z martw twarz znieczulica Jeszcze tylko kropla w nas By grzech miertelny z siebie zmy Spojrzeniu nada ufny ksztat Jeszcze tylko kropla Wszystko na wir spalone!!!

Sk³ama³am lyrics

Sk³ama³am lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Skіamaіam skіamaіam Z palca wyssaіam Skіamaіam od tak caіkiem niewinnie Byњ chwilк byі mуj byњ tylko byі przy mnie Nie dowiesz nie dowiesz nigdy siк Co prawd№ co prawd№ a co kіamstwem jest I nim cokolwiek teraz ci powiem Najpewniej znowu zmyњliіam to sobie Bezczelnie znуw krкcк Skruszona nie jestem O nie w ogуle nie czujк siк winna Nie byіabym sob№ gdy byіabym inna Nie byіabym sob№ Nie byіabym? Nie dowiesz nie dowiesz nigdy siк Co prawd№ co prawd№ a co kіamstwem jest Juї sama w swych kіamstwach gubiк siк Nie liczк siк z nikim Niczego nie wstydzк Kіamstw kto kіamstw raz nauczony jest Kіamstwem kіamstwem ma skaїon№ krew Na kіamstwie swoje їycie budowaж chce Skіamaіam skіamaіam

Siedem Morz, Siedem Ladow lyrics

Siedem Morz, Siedem Ladow lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Deszczem zacina wiatr To obraz minionych lat Ktry to ju mija dzie Bezkresnej wedrwki mej? Siedem mrz, siedem ldw W najdusz z wszystkich drg Wysa mnie zmeczony wiatem Bg Nie mnie Na nieznanych fiordw brzeg Bym moga moe tam Odnale sie Siedem mrz, siedem ldw W najdusz z wszystkich drg Wysa mnie zmeczony wiatem Bg Tu niebo wydao cichy jek Wci za wczenie By ocali mnie Za wczenie... Siedem mrz, siedem ldw W najdusz z wszystkich drg Wysa mnie zmeczony wiatem Bg A jeli dugo mnie nie bedzie Zaginie o mnie such Znajdziesz mnie na jednej Z mlecznych drg...

Pomyœl O Mnie lyrics

PomyÅ“l O Mnie lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Jeњli myњlisz o mnie czasem Ciepіy obraz w sercu masz Jeњli czujesz juї inaczej Jeњli bronisz siк przed sob№ A tak naprawdк jednak chcesz Pomyњl sobie o mnie czasem Jeњli przyњniк siк tej nocy Przyjdк tak jak gdyby nic Czy tej nocy nam wystarczy? Jeњli bronisz siк przed sob№ A tak naprawdк jednak chcesz Pomyњl sobie o mnie czasem Pomyњl o mnie Pomyњl o mnie...

Ostatni lyrics

Ostatni lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Zatacz ze mn jeszcze raz Otul twarz moj twarz Co z nami bedzie? - za oknem wit Tak nam dobrze mogo by Gdy ciebie zabraknie I ziemia rozstpi sie W nicoci trwam Gdy kiedy odejdziesz Nas ju nie bedzie I siebie nie znajdziesz te Zatacz ze mn jeszcze raz Chce chon kady oddech twj Co z nami bedzie? - uwierz mi Tak jak ja nie kocha nikt Gdy ciebie zabraknie I ziemia rozstpi sie W nicoci trwam Gdy kiedy odejdziesz Nas ju nie bedzie I siebie nie znajdziesz te W salonie wrd ciepych wiec Ju nigdy nie zbudzisz mnie Ju nigdy nie powiesz mi Jak bardzo kochae mnie Kochae mnie Czy syszysz jak tam daleko muzyka gra? Zatacz ze mn jeszcze raz Gdy ciebie zabraknie I ziemia rozstpi sie W nicoci trwam Gdy kiedy odejdziesz Nas ju nie bedzie I siebie nie znajdziesz te

OpowieϾ lyrics

OpowieϾ lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Dziњ nad њwiatem zmieniі ktoњ Nieba bікkit w chmur atrament Jakby pragn№і deszczem sw№ opowieњж snuж Pierwsza kropla na m№ dіoс Ludzie kryj№ siк w zauіkach Gubi№c gdzieњ po drodze sens deszczowych sіow Przemokniкte serca miast I tylko ty I ja szczкњliwi tym dniem Bo choж zapomniaі o nas њwiat Mokrzy od stуp do gіow nie tracimy nadziei Po ulicach juї trosk potoki skarg strumienie By wњlizgn№ж siк za rogiem pod omszaіy bruk Nikt juї nie chce sіuchaж dziњ sіуw deszczowej opowieњci Na co komu obcych kropel szept? Przemokniкte serca miast I tylko ty I ja szczкњliwi tym dniem Bo choж zapomniaі o nas њwiat Mokrzy od stуp do gіow nie tracimy nadziei Przemokniкte serca miast I tylko ty I ja Przemokniкte serca miast I tylko ty I ja Przemokniкte serca miast I tylko ty I ja Przemokniкte serca miast I tylko ty I ja Nie tracimy nadziei Laj la la la Nie tracimy nadziei Przemokniete serca miast my szczкњliwi tym dniem Bo choж zapomniaі o nas њw...

Nie Znamy Sie lyrics

Nie Znamy Sie lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Nie znamy sie my jeszcze sie nie znamy Cho dzieli nas szeroko naszych ramion Zamknieci tak w swych twierdzach samotniach Przez ciane Teraz gdy nie moesz w nocy spa Teraz gdy przez ciane sysze twj przyspieszony oddech Teraz kiedy przyszam na twj wiat Moesz zawsze do mnie wpa To moe dzi zajrzyj o pitej Przerwijmy ju to straszne milczenie Herbate podam w rowej porcelanie Jeli to w ogle ma jakie znaczenie Teraz gdy nie moesz w nocy spa Teraz gdy przez ciane sysze twj przyspieszony oddech Teraz kiedy przyszam na twj wiat Moesz zawsze do mnie wpa

Nie Jak Przyjaciel lyrics

Nie Jak Przyjaciel lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Przepraszam e nie byo mnie E przepad po mnie lad Wiem miae kilka ciekich chwil Przybyo wieych ran Wybacz mi Przepraszam e nie chciaam patrze Na tw zmeczon twarz Nie jak przyjaciel lecz jak tchrz Chowaam gowe w piach Wybacz mi Przepraszam e dopiero teraz Dopiero teraz zrozumiaam Gdy sama trace resztki si I nie stoi przy mnie nikt Wybacz mi

Moja Ulubiona Pora Roku lyrics

Moja Ulubiona Pora Roku lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Nie szukaj mnie Odeszam gdy pola przykry pierwszy nieg Skrzydami Muskam nieskaon oceanu biel Labirynt drg Za mn krysztaowe korytarze Zgubna jest I podstepna zbawiennych drogowskazw tre Nasz dom Bez drzwi bez okien zasn By w nie zimowym wiecznie trwa Nasz dom Wielkie sople jak zy Uczepione z lodu cian Nasz dom Wszystko dawno zastygo W mlecznym szkle Nasz dom Jestem jestem jestem Daleko std Nie szukaj mnie Podam tylko sobie znanym szlakiem Siarczysty mrz Sta sie mym sprzymierzecem moim bratem To przecie jest Moja ulubiona pora roku Nie szukaj mnie Zgubna drogowskazw tre Nasz dom Bez drzwi bez okien zasn By w nie zimowym wiecznie trwa Nasz dom Wielkie sople jak zy Uczepione z lodu cian Nasz dom Wszystko dawno zastygo W mlecznym szkle Dom Jestem jestem jestem Daleko std

Moja I Twoja Nadzieja lyrics

Moja I Twoja Nadzieja lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Sprуbuj powiedzieж to, nim uwierzysz їe Nie warto mуwiж kocham Sprуbuj uczyniж gest, nim uwierzysz їe Nic nie warto robiж Nic naprawdк nic nie pomoїe Jesli ty nie pomoїesz dziњ miіoњci Musisz odnaleџж nadziejк I nie waїne їe nazw№ ciebie gіupcem Musisz pozwoliж by sny Sprawiіy bys pamiкtaі їe Nic naprawdк nic nie pomoїe Jeњli ty nie pomoїesz dziњ miіoњci Moja I Twoja nadzieja Uczyni realnym krok w chmurach Moja I Twoja nadzieja Pozwoli uczyniж cuda Nic naprawdк nic nie pomoїe Jeњli ty nie pomoїesz dziњ miіoњci Nic naprawdк nic nie pomoїe Jeњli ty nie pomoїesz dziњ miіoњci Nic naprawdк nic nie pomoїe Jeњli ty nie pomoїesz dziњ miіoњci Nic naprawdк nic nie pomoїe Jeњli ty nie pomoїesz dziњ miіoњci

Mistrz lyrics

Mistrz lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Mylaam kiedy, e mistrz kad odpowied zna Gdy garci mdroci swych napenia moje "ja" W wiadomy cel, w co w co wierzy chce Obraca zwtpienie mj mistrz Tak dobrze kogo jest mie, dobrze ufa mu W ciemnoci zgubiam sie, Ty prowad mistrzu Mwi mi co, co dla mnie w ten czas Byo niejasne I mde Teraz ju wiem, mdro jest w nas Wsuchajmy sie w drgania swych cia Kady z nas kiedy mia swego mistrza Czerpa z niego, utosamia sie z nim Kady mistrz kiedy mia swego mistrza Mistrzem moesz by I Ty I przyjdzie ten dzie, gdy sam bedziesz chcia Poczu wolnoci swej smak Teraz ju wiesz, to wszystko jest w nas Wsuchajmy sie w drgania swych cia Kady z nas kiedy mia swego mistrza Czerpa z niego, utosamia sie z nim Kady mistrz kiedy mia swego mistrza Mistrzem moesz by I Ty

(Miedzy Nami) Deszcz lyrics

(Miedzy Nami) Deszcz lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Miedzy nami co nie tak Miedzy nami czego brak Lecz niepotrzebnie zocisz sie Jako to bedzie Deszcz nadchodzi deszcz Ju czuje go na kocach moich rzes Deszcz prawdziwy cud Rozkoszna ulga po ciekim dniu Krople dotykaj ust Pyn strumieniem Tak czekaam na ten deszcz Nasze zbawienie Deszcz nadchodzi deszcz Ju czuje go na kocach moich rzes Deszcz prawdziwy cud Rozkoszna ulga po ciekim dniu I gdzie pomiedzy Jednym twoim sowem A jednym mym spojrzeniem Jak tecza sie rozwiesi Spokj i zrozumienie Nic nie liczy sie Ju nic nie liczy sie Znw jeste obok mnie Nic nie liczy sie... Deszcz nadchodzi deszcz Ju czuje go na kocach moich rzes Deszcz prawdziwy cud Rozkoszna ulga po ciekim dniu

Kozioro¿ec lyrics

Kozioro¿ec lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Powoli lekko pochylam siк Powoli lekko pochylam siк Wystarczy jeden jedyny krok Wystarczy by przerwaж najcieсsz№ niж Moїe jesteњ gdzieњ obok I przygl№dasz siк jak Przestajк byж sob№ Ciekawe czy znуw dobrze bawisz siк Jeden ruch spadam a moje myњli Rozbij№ siк o kamieс To jest jak opium wci№ga I czujк siк Coraz sіabiej I jeњli jesteњ gdzieњ obok I przygl№dasz siк jak Przestajк byж sob№ Ty czekasz jak sкp czy skoczк... Nigdy! Nigdy! Nigdy! Niech rani mnie mocniej Niech rani mnie aї do krwi Kaїdy dotyk czuіy aї po bуl Teraz raniж moїe jeszcze ostrzej Raс mnie mocniej! Niech rani mocno gdy stojк wci№ї O jeden krok Za blisko bym mogіa siк uwolniж I jeњli jesteњ gdzieњ obok I przygl№dasz siк jak Przestajк byж sob№ Ty czekasz jak sкp czy skoczк... Nigdy! Nigdy! Nigdy! Niech rani mnie mocniej Niech rani mnie aї do krwi Kaїdy dotyk czuіy aї po bуl Teraz raniж moїe jeszcze ostrzej Raс mnie mocniej! Niech rani mocno gdy stojк wci№ї O jede...

Jedwab lyrics

Jedwab lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Ofiarujк mojej dziewczynie Z kwiatуw Holandii utkany Szlafrok, w ktуrym utonie Caіkiem niezіy posiіek, jaki Konsumuje lubieїnie co wieczуr W ciepіych dekoracjach pokoju Przy њwiecach i przy koniaku A nad sob№ mam jej loki Tak, tylko ona, jak jedwab Ofiarujк mojej dziewczynie Wszystkie kwiaty Holandii Jeњli bкdzie trzeba ukradnк W nocy przy ksiкїycowej peіni A potem wycisnк z nich soki Przyprawiк kalifornijskim winem I zanurzк siк z moj№ dziewczyn№ Po kolana, po pas, po szyjк Lubiк jej farbowane rzкsy Piegi i policzki blade Lubiк kiedy miкkko l№duje Ona zmysіowo na mojej twarzy Tak, tylko ona, jak jedwab Ofiarujк mojej dziewczynie Holandii morskie owoce Wraz z nimi podejrzane przygody Bez pieniкdzy dzikie podrуїe Skrawek wszystkich tajemnych wycieczek Sam sіowa ubieram doskonale Resztк stanowi moja dziewczyna Tylko ona jest jak jedwab Lubiк jej farbowane rzкsy Piegi i policzki blade Lubiк kiedy miкkko l№duje Ona zmysіowo na mojej twa...

Have To Carry On lyrics

Have To Carry On lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : You and I It's getting colder And all our feelings overflow Now it is time To talk it over It's too intense to let it go There's so many reasons I just have to carry on Our sentimental love, where is it gone? I should have known it from the start And all I want is to escape from home But I'll never do without your love babe There's so many reasons I just have to carry on Tenderly You speak to me "Oh, you won't drive my car no more" I say "All right I won't fight with you That, what I feel I'll never show There's so many reasons I just have to carry on I don't wanna face the darkness Oh, I will never satisfy my pride I wanna move a little further I wanna see what's sleeping Deep inside me I don't need all that emptiness Filling me up when I need to move on I just need A bit of happiness A bit of happiness A bit of love There's so many reasons I just have to ...

Goodbye To The Roman Candles lyrics

Goodbye To The Roman Candles lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : When I was younger I believed In what they were telling about Tolerance and love I believed that they really Wanted to understand and forgive But now it's all gone And I can see with my eyes And I can feel with my heart It's gone forever I say good bye to the roman candles I really have to go Before light and shade Turn into the dark I'm in a magic circle And all my faith is gone My soul is wandering round and round alone I say good bye to the misty towers One little spark in me And I would drown in the deep black hole Some evil power It seems to follow me And hope to possess my soul I didn't know that I could be So much tired I sense the storm a sudden blow It's coming down on me I didn't know that I could live Without it What was pure and young It's lost and gone It needs the light to see I say good bye to caring angels And though I love them all I even don't turn back to see T...

Get Off My Cloud lyrics

Get Off My Cloud lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : I live in an apartment on the ninety-ninth floor Of my block And I sit at home looking out the window Imagining the world has stopped Then in flies a guy who's all dressed up Like a Union Jack And says, I've won five pounds if I have his Kind of detergent pack I says, Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Don't hang around 'cause two's a crowd On my cloud, baby The telephone is ringing I say, "Hi, it's me. Who is there on the line ?" A voice says, "Hi, hello, how are you ?" Well, I guess I'm doin' fine He says, "It's three A. M., there's too much noise Don't you people ever wanna go to bed? Just 'cause you feel so good, do you have To drive me out of my head? " I says, Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Don't hang around 'cause two...

Egoiœci lyrics

EgoiÅ“ci lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Od grzechu gorsza jest samotnoњж Oko Boga pod brudnym makijaїem W ciebie wpatrzone przed obcych bуstw oіtarzem Kolejny raz przepastna noc wyrywa Ciк na prуbк siі Kolejny raz przegrywasz z ni№ Lecz wierzysz wci№ї jakimњ jednym cudownym tchnieniem Na powrуt staniesz siк boskim stworzeniem Czy juї nie jest za pуџno? Czy juї nie jest za pуџno? Dawnych miіoњci wyschniкte oceany Czy juї nie jest za pуџno? Nie jest za pуџno... Nie jest za pуџno... Њcieїki sumienia њniegiem usypane. Czy juї nie jest za pуџno? A ty pіyс pіyс Do brzegu pіyс ostatkiem siі Twoja samotnoњж gorsza jest niї grzech Wiкc grzeszysz by zabiж przed twoj№ samotnoњci№ lкk You got a feel me up... Od grzechu gorsza jest samotnoњж You got a feel me up... Samotnoњж gorsza jest niї grzech Od grzechu gorsza jest samotnoњж You got a feel me up... Samotnoњж gorsza jest niї grzech. Od grzechu gorsza jest samotnoњж You got a feel me up... Samotnoњж gorsza jest niї grzech Od grze...

Dziecko lyrics

Dziecko lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Tu przed poudniem spotkaam go w parku Zgarbiony z zimna dra Resztkami chleba karmi abedzie I zdawa sie mwi mi tak Oh dziecko gdyby przeya tyle co ja Patrzyam na niego jak rozciera swe rece I szybciej tetnia mi skro I przyszo mi na myl e przecie nic nie wiem O ludziach takich jak on Oh dziecko gdyby przeya tyle co ja Wczoraj widziaam jak tum gapiw gestnia Pomc nie mg ju nikt Spokojne mia rysy gdy przy nim uklekam Pakaam tak bliski mi by Oh dziecko gdyby przeya tyle co ja Teraz pynie niezwykym zaprzegiem Do nieba wiezie go Sze par abedzi Ostatni mu oddaje hod

Dlaczego Nie Mowisz Nic lyrics

Dlaczego Nie Mowisz Nic lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Siedzimy you ciebie ju chyba od zawsze Ktry to papieros, ktra godzina? Ktra to herbata na st przypynea? Ty chyba wci mj chopak Ja twoja dziewczyna Siedzimy obok siebie Lecz to wci za daleko Czekam na ciebie Czekam cierpliwie Bekitny smok spoczywa na twym ramieniu On jedyny wie o moim pragnieniu... Dlaczego nie mwisz nic? Patrzysz sie na mnie tak niepoczytalnie Dlaczego nie mwisz nic? Dlaczego nie moe by cakiem normalnie? Tego nie wie nikt Chodmy gdzie potaczy Cho wiem, e nie lubisz Musze sie std wyrwa Troche poszale Nie umiem duej tak siedzie w milczeniu Ty chyba w ogle zapomniae o moim istnieniu Ta noc jest tak piekna, cho zwyczajna Bekitny smok wie - ta noc jest tylko dla nas! Dlaczego nie mwisz nic? Patrzysz sie na mnie tak niepoczytalnie Dlaczego nie mwisz nic? Dlaczego nie moe by cakiem normalnie? Tego nie wie nikt

Cztery Pokoje lyrics

Cztery Pokoje lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Cztery pokoje, cztery pokoje, Pokaїк wszystko wam dopуki jeszcze mogк staж Cztery pokoje, cztery pokoje, Pokaїк wszystko wam pуki jeszcze prosto stojк Polacy s№ tak agresywni, a to dlatego, їe nie ma sіoсca Nieomal przez siedem miesiкcy w roku, a lato nie jest gor№ce Tylko zimno I pada zimno I pada na to miejsce w њrodku Europy Gdzie ci№gle samochody s№ kradzione, a waluta to polski zіoty Samochody to nie Ruscy kradn№ tylko robi№ to wіaњnie Polacy Policja znajduje jeden na sto, natomiast duї№ czкњж owocуw pracy Poїera aparat administracyjno-urzкdniczy Socjalizm totalitarny zmieniі siк w koncesyjno-etatystyczny To dziњ jest dzieс, ostatni dzieс Zarazem pierwszy dzieс reszty їycia twojego Cztery pokoje, cztery pokoje, Pokaїк wszystko wam dopуki jeszcze mogк staж Cztery pokoje, cztery pokoje, Pokaїк wszystko wam pуki jeszcze prosto stojк Biurokracja od czasуw upadku komuny rozrosіa siк trzykrotnie Z t№ rуїnic№, їe zamiast jednej...

Clouds... They Block My Way lyrics

Clouds... They Block My Way lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : I spent a lot of my time Looking at clouds from all sides I saw them roll in the big sky So much crying in the rain I keep all the lights on To ease my soul but all in vein So I'm running Trying to get Out of the rain I'm running Still I'm running But clouds in the dark Block my way The colour of my room Is sort of blue And now I'm clear It's good for this tension When I get my fear of dyin' I'm breaking down In so many places The longer it plays with me The calmer I get Then I start start running again So I'm running Trying to get Out of the rain I'm running Still I'm running But clouds in the dark Block my way

Ca³y Ten Czas lyrics

Ca³y Ten Czas lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Niewaїne juї Nie chcк pamiкtaж Nie mуwmy o tym Proszк, juї wiкcej Bo caіy ten czas Los kpiі sobie z nas I wiesz, їe nawet Nieџle siк trzymam Choж wszystko wokуі Wci№ї mi przypomina Їe caіy ten czas Los kpiі sobie z nas Bezkarny, bezlitosny Dla naszej miіoњci Dіuїej juї nie mogк znieњж Myњli, їe Ktoњ inny z tob№ jest Z kimњ innym Sob№ samym Jak kiedyњ ze mn№ Dzielisz siк... Caіy ten czas

Buntowniczka lyrics

Buntowniczka lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Jeli ty nazywasz to dobrem To dobrem jest? To ja najgorszym jestem dnem Jeli ty nazywasz to prawem To prawem jest? To jakim prawem wci niszczysz mnie? Buntowniczka przeciw wszystkim I wszystkiemu co wok niej Dzieje sie Jak ona mie, jak ona mie?! I wbrew oglnej filozofii By czasem nie wychyla sie To jej sie chce Jej sie chce Ja sie na to nie zgadzam Nie zgadzam sie! O zdanie nikt nie pyta mnie! Mylisz, jeste mdrzejszy I lepiej wiesz Kiedy szanowa zaczniesz wreszcie mnie?! Buntowniczka przeciw wszystkim I wszystkiemu co wok niej Dzieje sie Jak ona mie, jak ona mie?! I wbrew oglnej filozofii By czasem nie wychyla sie To jej sie chce Jej sie chce Kontrowersyjne dziewcze Moe zbyt mode jeszcze, wci Kontrowersyjna dziewczynka Nie boi sie zego wilka, nie! Odwieczna buntowniczka Swych praw oredowniczka, tak! I wbrew oglnej filozofii By czasem nie wychyla sie To jej sie chce Jej sie chce

Boogie Czyli Zemsta S³odka Jest lyrics

Boogie Czyli Zemsta S³odka Jest lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Nie prуbuj mnie Oszukaж mnie Marny Twуj los Gdy dowiem siк Zemsta la la la Sіodka la la la jest Przygl№dam siк I twуj kaїdy krok Jak na dіoni mej Nie prуbuj wiкc Zemsta la la la Sіodka la la la jest Zniosк bуl i wstyd Gdy w oczy powiesz mi Za plecami siк nie skradaj Nie radzк Ci Zemsta la la la Sіodka la la la jest Sam sobie kopiesz grуb Na їaden nie licz cud I gdy teraz lecisz samolotem Ziemia spod twoich stуp Ziemia la la la usuwa la la la siк Ziemia la la la usuwa la la la siк La la la la... Uh zemsta sіodka jest

Blues For You lyrics

Blues For You lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Still got the blues in my heart I will never forget you It tears me apart I've been trying hard To forget your name, babe I've been praying to god To be calmer and safer I'm deadly in love with you And you know it's true I'll say it all over and over again Still got the blues I knew it right from the start I would give all my life, babe To keep you around No I wasn't much careful And I blindly believed In all those words that were spoken In laugh and in tears Now I see clearly enough How much I was naive And you were pretending And playing your games Full of mischief Uh uh uh I wish I'd never met on my way I wish I'd never loved you Pride, it hurts me too It grabs for my hopes And it's eating my brain It's always the same I've always dreamt of somebody Someone who'd love me Like no other man But never did I realize That you could be so hard on me I cried like a child When you mo...

Before You Came lyrics

Before You Came lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : There were kisses before I met you There were touches before I met you I was blind before I met you I was blind before I met you Just before you came Just before I met you Just before I met you There were hurting words & I was crying There were pearls & diamonds & I was lying I was blind before I met you I was blind before I met you Just before you came Just before I met you Just before you came Ho, ho, I was falling down Just before I met you I was falling down I was falling down Before I met you... There were kisses before I met you

All That Lost Time lyrics

All That Lost Time lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Those big territories Some mysterious lands Oh I can hear they are calling Calling my name I've been here long long time Oh long enough Now I feel I should hurry I'm taking off I don't wanna turn The whole world upside down I'm only trying to find my own way I don't wanna think of all that lost time There is nothing to blame But myself I need every hour Time's running like crazy It makes me so excited It scares and amazes me And I'll leave all my sorrow 'Cause I have to be strong It can take long to find The place I belong to I don't wanna turn The whole world upside down I'm only trying to find my own way I don't wanna think of all that lost time There is nothing to blame Even if I never tried to get away You know you can never be sure I don't wanna think of all that lost time Time - time - time I don't wanna turn The whole world upside down I'm only trying to find...

Sam Na Sam lyrics

Sam Na Sam lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Sam na sam Ze swoj samotnoci Gdy wszystko ju Zostao powiedziane Sam na sam Ze swoj namietnoci Gdy sami w swych Kach zasypiamy Tak bardzo starasz sie, by Nie rozpozna cie nikt Czym dla ciebie samotno Jest teraz gdy Stoje you twoich drzwi... Ile jeszcze mam czeka Bym moga cie uszczeliwi? Sam na sam Ze swoimi obsesjami E kady jest Twym wrogiem bez wyjtku Sam na sam Gdy wszystko znw Chcesz zaczyna od pocztku Tak bardzo starasz sie, by Nie mg zrani cie nikt Czym dla ciebie samotno Jest teraz gdy Stoje you twoich drzwi... Ile jeszcze mam czeka Bym moga cie uszczeliwi?

Mandarynka lyrics

Mandarynka lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : Mandarynk chce by dzi W twym mandarynkowym nie Bede kusi twj wzrok By ze skrki obra mnie Moje ciao jest jak misz I gdyby tylko mg To ja cierpliwie czekam, a Wemiesz mnie do ust... Jestem tak sodka (Mandarynka) Nie przerywaj swego snu Prosze, nie zostawiaj mnie Bo ktby inny przecie chcia W mandarynce kocha sie? Nie, prosze nie zostawiaj mnie.. Mandarynk chce by dzi... Jestem tak sodka (Mandarynka)

Sen lyrics

Sen lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : To jest mj sen ten sen przeraa mnie W pokoju bez cian zamykam sie Nie ma nic nie ma mnie niby bezpiecznie Ale wcale nie jest dobrze w moim nie To jest mj sen ten sen zawstydza mnie Zachanna I za wci wiecej chce Nie ma nic nie ma mnie niby cudownie Ale wcale nie jest dobrze w moim nie Budzi mnie wiatr - wiatr niesie strach Budzi mnie deszcz - deszcz tuli mnie Budzi mnie blask gorcych dni Budzi mnie krzyk - czy wci sie ni? Nie ma nic nie ma mnie niby bezpiecznie Ale wcale nie jest dobrze w moim... Nie Budzi mnie wiatr - wiatr niesie strach Budzi mnie deszcz - deszcz tuli mnie Budzi mnie blask gorcych dni Budzi mnie krzyk - czy wci sie ni?

Will You Get Back Home Again lyrics

Will You Get Back Home Again lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : I know what you are And I know what you feel It's like a big scar The strain of the moment And you're lost like a child There's always been something Paralyzing me And darkness she will hug you to her breast Oh when will you get back home again? I know what you are And I know what you feel It's like a big scar It's a long time gone There's a hard time comin' Hard time Oh maybe you should think about your heart A room for your fears When your love is gone You're empty like a house All made of cards Still you're keeping your hopes from tumbling I know what you are And I know what you feel It's like a big scar I know what you are And I know what you think It tears you apart I know what you are And I know what you want But you're moving to far I know what you are And I know where you're going But where does it all start? Nah nah nah - big scar

One Day You Will Find Me Gone lyrics

One Day You Will Find Me Gone lyrics song presented by Edyta Bartosiewicz : This time my blood's flowing faster Things have gone too far You really got me busted I'm sick and tired To hell with cheap illusions And you're dragging my patience back and forth I know, everyone strolls They can go wrong But now I fell it somehow I can't let it go that easy, I'm gonna... One day you will find me gone Still I don't wanna leave... Our love, it seemed everlasting When we were kissing Every night in your car And every promise we were making was forever God I never thought I could be so naive I know, anger may grow I'm not that strong So now I feel it somehow I can't let it go that easy, I'm gonna... One day you will find me gone Still I don't wanna leave... So stop for a while Consider this! I'm a live human being so! Hurt me not! If you know at all what hurting means What is love? This time I'll destroy my life I've made my mind... Still I do...

Garden Of Eden lyrics

Garden Of Eden lyrics song presented by Eddie & The Cruisers : It was the Garden of Eden The beginning of time Adam said to Eve Little girl I wanna make you mine Eve said now wait a minute big boy Not so fast I wanna think this over I want a love that's gonna last Then Eve said to Adam Catch me if you can It's been the same old story ever since the world began Honey I'll give you anything in this great big world She said forget those rotten apples I'll take some diamonds and some pearls He said honey I don't quite know Exactly what you mean She said ever since she could remember She had this pretty dream Then Eve said to Adam Catch me if you can It's been the same old story ever since the world began He got this hungry feeling And my blood is running hot I don't know exactly what it it I want I just know it's something that you got Eve said come here little boy Come and sit beside my fire Wrap your self around my finger And I'll cool your desire...

Darkside lyrics

Darkside lyrics song presented by Eddie & The Cruisers : The Darkside is coming, now nothing is real, She'll never know just how I'll feel From out of the shadow's she walk's like a dream Make me feel crazy, make me feel so mean. Nothing's gonna save ya from the love that's blind. Slip through the darkside and cross that line. On the darkside, oh yeah.. On the darkside, oh yeah.. Darkside is coming, now nothing is real, She'll never know just how I'll feel From out of the shadow's she walk's like a dream Make me feel crazy, make me feel so mean. Nothing's gonna save ya from the love that's blind. Slip through the darkside and cross that line. On the darkside, oh yeah... On the darkside, oh yeah... (sax solo) Nothing's gonna save ya from the love that's blind. Slip through the darkside and cross that line. On the darkside, oh yeah... On the darkside, oh yeah... On the darkside, oh yeah... On the darkside, oh yeah..

Your Genius Hands lyrics

Your Genius Hands lyrics song presented by Everclear : I have seen you shake And I know what it cost you I have heard your words I am big on your noise My eyes aren't big enough 'Cause I can't see your hands I can't see what you hold I am growin' now As I watch you fade Now I know what you know And I'll break the chains that you have made This chain you've made for me Yeah, I will pull you down I know I'll fail in style I long to touch your genius hands I am growin' now As I watch you fade Now I know what you know And I'll break the chains that you have made This chain you've made for me Yeah, yeah, yeah, I will pull you down I know I'll fail in style I will, I swear I'm gonna shake your genius hands

Your Arizona Room lyrics

Your Arizona Room lyrics song presented by Everclear : Just another night in a bar somewhere Just another blonde girl Such a pretty blonde girl I saw a light behind those cold dark eyes that you show to a cold dark world Then something came over me When I touched your face It took me to a place that I've been afraid to go Everytime we talk I find another piece of the puzzle of me That I never really got to know Sometimes it is so easy to believe that a broken thing can never be whole Just another night in a hotel room Just another bad dream Can you believe? I had another bad dream We were high on a hill above a big black cloud that turned into a swarm of bees Then something came over me Then you held my hand and they faded into summertime when you smiled at me Every time we talk, I find another piece of the puzzle of me That I never really got to know Sometimes it is so easy to believe that a broken heart can never be whole Give your heart to me, I will give my heart to you If you...

Wonderful lyrics

Wonderful lyrics song presented by Everclear : "Hey, ain't life wonderful? Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful... Isn't everything wonderful now?" I close my eyes when I get too sad I think thoughts that I know are bad Close my eyes and I count to ten Hope it's over when I open them I want the things that I had before Like a Star Wars poster on my bedroom door I wish I could count to ten Make everything be wonderful again I hope my Mom And I hope my Dad Would figure out why they get so mad I hear them scream I hear them fight They say bad words that make me wanna cry I close my eyes when I go to bed And I dream of angels that make me smile I feel better when I hear them say "Everything will be wonderful someday" Promises mean everything When you're little and the world's so big I just don't understand how You can smile with all those tears in your eyes And tell me everything is wonderful now Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now I...

Wishing lyrics

Wishing lyrics song presented by Everclear : Standing outside your door I look crazy to the world I have been to this place before The right guy for the wrong girl I wish I could wake up from a dream that I just don't want to believe Now I'm sitting here waiting for you And I know you're walking away from me I don't want to say the words That everyone seems to know I put you in every room with me You are everywhere I go I wish I could wake up from a dream that I just don't want to believe That I gave a beautiful freak like you Power and control all over me Please don't leave me Please don't go I don't want to be alone Wishing don't count for much When that thing you won is gone I refuse to believe in luck Not when it comes to my love I wish I could wake up from a dream that I just don't want to believe That all the bad things I've done in my life Are coming back to torture me Please don't leave me Baby please don't go I don't wan...

Why I Don't Believe In God lyrics

Why I Don't Believe In God lyrics song presented by Everclear : I heard the truth about you And it really doesn't read at all Like the whipping stick you raised me with A scared woman in a private hell Hushed voice like electric bells Strange talk about Edgar Casey And the long lame walk of the dark 70's Strange talk about Edgar Casey And the long lame walk of the dark 70's I heard the truth about you yeah you Mama they woke me up I was deep in an idiot sleep I was just eight years old Heard big words with a horrible sound Why'd they have to call my school Tell me my mother had a nervous breakdown I wish I believed like you do, yeah you In the myth of a merciful god In the myth of a heaven and hell I hear the voices you hear sometimes Sometimes it gets so much I feel like letting go Sometimes it gets so hard I feel like letting it go Sometimes it gets so goddamn hard I feel like letting it all go Letting it all go, letting it all go Letting it all go, letting it al...

White Noise lyrics

White Noise lyrics song presented by Everclear : All the people that you know, they say you're ready to break down All the people that you know, they say you're ready to fall I hope you know that you are better than you think you are I hope you know you that you will never really try I hope you know you that you are never unknown You got a good friend on the inside Whoa-oh I just want to be there when you need to find your feet on the solid ground Whoa-oh I just want to catch you when you fall down (when you fall down) All the people that you know say you live in white noise Yeah, all the people that you know they say you're living in hell They don't know anything I hope that you know that you are better than they say you are I have to say that you are stronger than you know I have to say that you are smart enough to handle any stunt anyone could pull Whoa-oh I just want to be there when you need to find your feet on the solid ground Whoa-oh I just want to catch you wh...

White Men In Black Suits lyrics

White Men In Black Suits lyrics song presented by Everclear : I am just a boy working in a record store Yes I moved to San Francisco Just to see what I could be I am a loser geek Crazy with an evil streak Yes I do believe there is a Violent thing inside of me She is just a girl She is doing what she can She dances topless When she's not playing in her band Such a pretty girl happy in an ugly place Watching all the pretty people Doing lots of ugly things I think it's getting better for the two of us Yes I think it's getting better almost everyday I could give a damn for what those people say All I want to do is lose myself in your room All you want is just a slowfuck in the afternoon I still see those scary guys when I am all alone at night I kiss the ring you gave me, then I swing with all my might I think it's getting better for the two of us I think it's getting easier for you and me to agree That the white men in the black suits They are diminishing Yes I think ...

When It All Goes Wrong Again lyrics

When It All Goes Wrong Again lyrics song presented by Everclear : Yes, I think it's safe to say I feel good about the place That I've been made in the world today I get all sticky inside When I close my eyes And I open up wide I see pictures in the clouds So obscene I gotta laugh out loud I look back to find my way Reminisce and laugh about the good old days Yeah, when I saw my brother above me I remember the words he said When you dream you hit bottom Chances are good you're gonna wake up dead I'll be up on top when the sky falls down And it all goes wrong again Yeah, I will be sitting on top When It All Goes Wrong Again Yeah, I will be sitting on top When It all goes wrong. Yes I think it's safe to say I feel good about the sins That I inflict on my own skin I pay money to cut and burn Pictures like the lessons that I need to learn I see faces on the ceiling I see them move, I hear them singing I lay back in here by myself I think about the time that I've spe...

What Do I Get? lyrics

What Do I Get? lyrics song presented by Everclear : I just want a lover like any other, what do I get I only want a friend who will stay to the end, what do I get What do I get, whoa, what do I get What do I get, whoa, what do I get I'm in distress, I need a caress, what do I get I'm not on the make, I just need a break, what do I get What do I get, whoa, what do I get What do I get, whoa, what do I get I only get sleepless nights Alone here in my half-empty bed For you things seem to turn out right I wish they'd only happen to me instead What do I get, whoa, what do I get What do I get, whoa, what do I get I only get sleepless nights Alone here in my half-empty bed For you things seem to turn out right I wish they'd only happen to me instead What do I get, whoa, what do I get What do I get, whoa, what do I get I just want a lover like any other, what do I get I only want a friend who will stay to the end, what do I get What do I get, whoa, what do I get What do I get,...

Watch The World Die lyrics

Watch The World Die lyrics song presented by Everclear : I am still living with your ghost Lonely and dreaming of the west coast I don't want to be your down time I don't want to be your stupid game With my big black boots and an old suitcase I do belive ill find myself a new place I don't want to be tha bad guy I don't want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore I just want to see some palm trees I will try to shake away this disease We can live beside the ocean Linger far behind Swim out past the breaker Watch the world die x2 I am still dreaming of your face Hungry and hollow from the pain you took away I don't want to be your good time I don't want to be your fallback crutch anymore Walk right up you brand new day Your same horizon in my own wearedway I don't want to be tha bad guy I don't want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore I just want to feel some downside I just want to find some place to be alone We can live beside the ocean Linger far behind Sw...

Volvo Driving Soccer Mom lyrics

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Volcano lyrics

Volcano lyrics song presented by Everclear : I like it here in this quiet room We can turn off all the trouble when we do what we do I like it here in the middle of the day We can hide inside each other when we need to get away Away from the world We need to get away from the world outside Away from the world We need to find the place where we can hide Somewhere they can't find us Yeah somewhere on a volcano We can hide inside a volcano We can find the good life on the inside I like the crazy way you look at me Without the drugs we can be what we're afraid to be I remember what it's like to be clean and sane I remember what it is that makes me need to get away Away from the world We need to get away from the world outside Away from the world We need to find the place where we can hide Yeah somewhere they can't find us Where my checkered past can fade to white Will they let me out this time I made some mistakes, I paid the price I walked away clean, you know I did my ti...

Unemployed Boyfriend lyrics

Unemployed Boyfriend lyrics song presented by Everclear : [Answering machine:] ''Hi, this is Peggy. Leave me a nice message or I'll kill ya. " ''Hey Peggy, it's me. You are never going to believe what happened to me today. I'm sittin' at the unemployment office, waitin' on my loser of a caseworker, In one of those nasty chairs, When from out of nowhere, this total stranger walks right up to me, Sits down, then leans over and says something like, This is gonna sound a little obsessive. '' This is gonna sound a little obsessive This is gonna sound a little bit strange I have one thing to say Before I turn and I walk away This is gonna sound a little impulsive This is gonna sound a little insane I know you don't know me yet But you and I, we will be together someday Someday I know, I know, I sound like I'm on drugs Listen to me when I say That ever since when I first saw you Sittin' on your car outside You asked for a cigarette...

Under The Western Stars lyrics

Under The Western Stars lyrics song presented by Everclear : Paint the stars in the sky On the ceiling above our bed Roll through the night with your blood Beating hard like a drum inside my head Paint the stars in the sky That were shining on the night we met If we can do this then we can do anything Throw the clothes in a pile in the corner on the dirty wood floor Open up the big windows and throw a chain on the double locked door Open up to the flame So strong, it feels so good even though we know that it's wrong When we make love I feel complete, like I can do anything We can lose ourselves to the far away sound of the noise of the boulevard We can lose ourselves tonight underneath the western stars The wind sounds just like the ocean Blowing big through the trees in my backyard I sit alone in a dark room smoking And wondering where you are You went away when the truth came down The s** was not enough for you to make you want to stick around You said that I made you feel weak ...

Tv Show lyrics

Tv Show lyrics song presented by Everclear : I walk around in the market, late at night I walk around in the empty aisles And I don't know why I need to be, close to the light So I walk around in the middle of the night I drive around in the neighbourhood I want to lose my house I drive around on the freeway, I guess I want to lose myself Turn the key, turn the dial Listen to the radio and just drive for a while Yeah, I got no place to go I wish I could come home To a life that looks like a tv show Wish I could see my television family waiting for me Where no one fights, no one screams No one lies, and no one leaves I don't care how the story ends I want to feel like I'm living again I drive away from the city Need to see the sky Drive away from the bad things That made me close my eyes Leave it all, in the past Drive away going nowhere fast Yeah, I got no where to go I wish I could go home To a life that looks like a tv show Wish I could see my television family waiting f...

Trust Fund lyrics

Trust Fund lyrics song presented by Everclear : I know a couple who are in love living in the best of times A truer love you will never know Right next to a pain they'll never realize Sheltered from it in a loving glow Young and happy and oh so politically correct Just get it if you need it now Just go buy it if you need it in your life Don't you worry if it all runs out Don't worry because it never will I know a young girl living in the shadow of the kind of life that she Could never make She takes it all and gives it back in love to handsome artists in her Native state She is the angel of the loser and the disenchanted soul Just get it if you need it now Just buy it if it makes you happy Don't you worry if it all runs out Don't worry because it never will Just get it if you need it now I know a couple who are in love living in the best of times

Tiger In A Burning Tree lyrics

Tiger In A Burning Tree lyrics song presented by Everclear : A friend of mine woke me up To tell me about his dream All the lights in the world went black He felt like a tiger in a burning tree It was like he was late for something That he did not want to see His life looked better on paper He lived like a tiger in a burning tree Blow out the candles and make a wish I heard about a woman from a city in the south She lost her god when the bottom fell out She sold her life to the deep blue see She left a message for the world to see She knows now what it's like to be A tiger in a burning tree Close your eyes and take a big deep breath Blow out the candles and make a wish When I was a child I painted my toys Angel blue and devil read I broke them into pieces, set them on fire And shoved them under my bed I never learned how to play nice With all the other kids I never learned how to draw inside the lines And probably never will Close your eyes and take a big deep breath Imagine a wor...

Thrift Store Chair lyrics

Thrift Store Chair lyrics song presented by Everclear : Baby go to bed and put out the light We both know if we talk anymore We're gonna end up in a great big fight You can have your way again Yeah, you believe what you wanna believe You can walk all over me tomorrow But tonight can we both just pretend to sleep I think we're headed for a big fall I think we're headed for a bad time Ooh yeah you're gonna go downstairs And sit in that chair you like Gonna put a john prine record on I think we need to slow it down for a while Yeah I wish we had never bought a king size bed Yeah only damn thing that it's ever been good for Plenty room for the real good sex I lay in bed in the dark and all that I can see Yeah, is the distance that grows between us You seem so far from me I think we're headed for a real big fall Yes we're headed for a bad time Yeah gonna go downstairs Sit by myself all alone in the middle of the night Gonna put a john prine record on Yes we need...

The Twistinside lyrics

The Twistinside lyrics song presented by Everclear : We have been sleeping with the lights on Just about every night Because we are afraid what the dark might bring I know I know it's just a childish fear That grows and grows wild in the middle of me I'm gonna get a new tattoo Black and stretching around my arm Like a life that is visable and real I know I know it's stupid and immature I just want to give shape to the face That twists inside Both you and me Breathing fire - doesn't look good on a resume Neither does anything else we do We got to get ready for the real world Yeah yeah we got to grow up You know I like to die for awhile Everyday in the afternoon I like to let the arms of a bar Wrap around me tight I'm just going to sprawl in the front booth Big drink above my head Cross eyes and smiling as I watch the world Go twisting by I don't want to die with you, Or live in the same dark room I don't want to see your bloodshot eyes No more, no more I jus...

The Swing lyrics

The Swing lyrics song presented by Everclear : Never said I was innocent, I will burn in Hell for the things I've done to you. Never said I was anything good, I should die from the shame for what I put you through. Lemme be the one to bring us back from the dead. I will take the blame for everything. You know I just wanna help you forget. We are still livin' on broken glass, We are still laughin' 'cause it just keeps happenin'. All your friends they can kiss my ass, They only see the simple things that they wanna see. Lemme be the one to make the pain go away. Shave my skin, show a brand new face. You know I just wanna know that you're okay. You don't have to like it but the swing is in my hands now. Sometimes... I think... the power is better than a hearth rug. Sometimes... I think... the power is better than anything. Sometimes... I think... letting go is just like giving up. Sometimes all I think I wanna do is die inside, All I wanna do is die inside, Al...

The New York Times lyrics

The New York Times lyrics song presented by Everclear : Oh, It makes no sense to me Yeah, I was living in a different world when I heard the news I keep having the same bad dream And it makes me want to hurt all the people who have done this thing to you When I see your face, I can see you smile Read all about you in the new york times When I see your eyes, I can see your light When I think about what happened It makes me crazy It makes no sense to me, This eye for an eye thing, It has gone too far I don't know anyone who doesn't hurt inside I would like to believe we could learn from this And maybe some day we can make things right I want to believe in this world I want to believe in this life I want to believe in a world that does not seem real When you read between the lines When I see your face, I can see you smile Read all about you in my new york times When I see your eyes, I can see your light When I read about the world It makes me crazy I want to believe in this world...

The New Disease lyrics

The New Disease lyrics song presented by Everclear : I heard the news today All about your new disease This is what you said you wanted When you walked away from me I heard the news today Yeah I know what your friends all say That I'm gonna go to hell, they're all probably right I just wanna go to hell my way I just wanna do it my way I heard the news today All about your new romance There is always gonna be someone better than me I guess I never had a chance Yes I heard the news today You were livin' by the sound of the bell I still believe that life gets better when you tell the world to go to hell Oh I don't wanna play your game I don't wanna live that way I don't wanna do what you tell me to do I don't fit inside the box you've made No I don't wanna play your game No I will never live that way I don't wanna do what you tell me to do I just want to do it my way Yes I heard the news today You've got scars on your hands and knees You never ...

The Laughing World lyrics

The Laughing World lyrics song presented by Everclear : Right now day one I fall hard when I fall I always fall on you Face first head down eyes closed arms out to break my fall we fall Down Like a world of noise we get lost inside the length of our own time And the laughing world will never forget that it's when you jam that I Jet I see I want I reach I fail to hold the things that I need I turn out reach for you I want to touch our life before it fades like a burning car in the sun We flame for the all in plain view And the laughing world will never forget that it's when you jam that I Jet The laughing world will never forget The laughing world will never forget

The Joker lyrics

The Joker lyrics song presented by Everclear : Some people call me the space cowboy Some call me the gangster of love Some people call me maurice 'cause I speak of the pompitous of love People keep talking about me, baby Said I'm doin' you wrong Well, don't worry, don't worry 'cause I'm right here at home Cause I'm a picker, I'm a grinner I'm a lover, and I'm a sinner I play my music in the sun I'm a joker, I'm a smoker I'm a midnight toker I sure don't want to hurt no one You're the cutest thing that I ever did see I really love your peaches, want to shake your tree Lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey all the time Ooo-eee baby, I'll sure show you a good time Chorus 2x

The Honeymoon Song lyrics

The Honeymoon Song lyrics song presented by Everclear : One, two, three Two, two, three You know I love you baby And I know you love me too But the fun that day Didn't start until We left on our honeymoon Stepped off the plane into a warm sunny day Then we got leid together The sun shines down on a lonely town Where the fish all smile 'cause they know us Our wedding day was warm and sunny Our friends and family came from out of town We said I do, then ate some food And smiled 'til the sun went down We'll take the zodiac, the cadillac Around the north shore and then we'll head back The sea turtles come to greet us So let's get loaded tonight We'll drink on the flight Back home, the honeymoon is over You know I love you baby And I know you love me too But the fun that day Didn't start until We left on our honeymoon We're on our honeymoon We're on our honeymoon The fun that day Didn't start until We left on our honeymoon

The Color Pit lyrics

The Color Pit lyrics song presented by Everclear : Yeah, here you come again I should have known you'd be around Makes no sense to me why we're still alive You've got weeks to live and I am on a spiral dive When you finally die Don't let me need you there I know damn well you're not alone Surrounded laughing by the death head grins Of all my friends who've overdosed Overdosed and died And you know That's the way we go Back in your color room the shadows fall and break We would waste away Burning out, shooting up I'm not gonna fall with you this time I might not get up, I'm not strong enough You know... Can't you see it's killing me I'm not gonna walk back into the pit for you Yeah, not for you or anyone I don't want the speed, I don't want the heroin I'm not gonna break I'm not gonna play your game When you die alone in that pit of hell Don't perpetuate the myth, don't romanticize I'm not gonna watch you die a...

The Boys Are Back In Town lyrics

The Boys Are Back In Town lyrics song presented by Everclear : Guess who just got back today? Those wild-eyed boys that had been away Haven't changed, haven't much to say But man, I still think those cats are great They were asking if you were around How you was, where you could be found I told them you were living downtown Driving all the old men crazy The boys are back in town You know the chick that used to dance a lot Every night she'd be on the floor shaking what she'd got Man when I tell you she was cool, she was red hot I mean she was steaming That night over at johnny's place Well this chick got up and she slapped johnny's face Man we just fell about the place If that chick don't want to know, forget her Friday night they'll be dressed to kill Down at dino's bar and grill The drink will flow and blood will spill If the boys want to fight, you'd better let them That jukebox in the corner blasting out my favorite song The nights are gettin...

Ten Years Gone lyrics

Ten Years Gone lyrics song presented by Everclear : Hey all, just reminding everone 'Ten Years Gone: Best of Everclear' just came out, I'm going to go Pick up a copy tonight. Any ec fans gotta pick it up could be the last cd. Later.

Taste Of Hell lyrics

Taste Of Hell lyrics song presented by Everclear : With you it's always lies, lies, lies I know that you have lied to me so don't even try to play now You said you didn't do those type of things, but you went and did them anyway Now there is nothing you can say to me There is nothing you can do now The awful truth is that you broke my heart And now I'm going to break yours, too You get what you pay for You gotta own what you sell I know I will forgive you when I give you Just a taste of hell A little flavor of the pain that you gave me A little taste of hell All that trouble you have put me through, it will come back to you because... I know you fucked around on me I kind of caught you in the act You made a choice to take us to this place, and now there is no going back I don't want to be vindictive now I don't want to make you sad But you broke the rules of this game that we play Now it's my turn to be bad You know they say you get what you pay for You got...